{{ state.ErrorCode | message-from-error-code }}


Looks like you were in the middle of a workout:

Your programs

You don't have anything going on right now.

Start a new program

{{ state.UserProgram.Program.Name }}

{{ completedUserSessions.length }} of {{ state.UserProgram.UserSessions.length }} ({{ Math.round( completedUserSessions.length * 100 / state.UserProgram.UserSessions.length ) }}%)

You have incomplete workouts in this program!

Next workout: {{ firstNonStartedUserSession.Session | session-day-and-name }}
Date Workout
{{ userSession.Date | date-from-iso8601string }} {{ userSession.Session | session-day-and-name }}

{{ state.UserSession.Session.Program.Name }} {{ state.UserSession.Session | session-day-and-name }}

{{ userExerciseIndex }} of {{ state.UserSession.UserExercises.length }} ({{ Math.round( userExerciseIndex * 100 / state.UserSession.UserExercises.length ) }}%)

{{ ue.Exercise.Name }}

last: {{ ue.Previous.Reps }}
last: {{ ue.Previous.Weight }}
last: {{ ue.Previous.AssistedReps }}
last: {{ ue.Previous.AssistedWeight }}
last: {{ ue.Previous.Difficulty | description-from-difficulty }}
{{ ue.Difficulty | description-from-difficulty }}

You murdered it! Have a showerbeer.

{{ state.UserSession.Difficulty | description-from-difficulty }}

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